Conveyancing Quotes and Fees

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Expert Conveyancing Services

Count on our property experts for comprehensive conveyancing legal advice. We ensure that the terms are tailored to protect you throughout the conveyancing process.

We can advise you on Conveyancing at our Potters Bar, Hertford, and Finchley offices.

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Two solicitor discussing conveyancing fees

Conveyancing Service North & East London, Essex and Hertfordshire

Our conveyancing fees may vary due to many factors, including, but not limited to, the property value and whether or not there is a mortgage.

Each matter is different. When you contact us, we will provide you with a written quote specific to your transaction.

No hidden charges.

We will provide you with details of the likely fees and disbursements before you formally instruct us and our professionals are professionally obliged to inform you of any changes to any estimate given to you.

Please see our property page for details of our conveyancers and the supervising partner and their profiles in the Our People section of the website.

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Discover more about conveyancing at our Hertford, Finchley, and Potters Bar offices.

The following fee information gives an indication of our fees for the purchase of a freehold or  leasehold residential property. Our fees depend on the value of the property you are buying. 

We provide you with an estimate at the outset based on that information and if you are getting a mortgage. 

These fees are for individuals as there will be additional charges if acting on behalf of a limited company.

When we receive the papers we may have to revise the original estimate if the transaction is more complicated than we expected when the estimate was given or if there is a gift element. We will keep you informed about the progress of your transaction as well as any variation in the fees or additional charges which may arise.

Our fees cover all of the work required to complete the purchase of your new property. This includes dealing with:

  • registration at the Land Registry. 
  • payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax (Stamp Duty) if the property is in England 
  • payment of Land Transaction Tax (Land Tax) if the property you wish to buy is in Wales.

Stamp Duty is only payable when you buy a property and we will inform you of the amount when we give you the fees estimate as it will depend on the value of the property, if you are a first time buyer and if you own other property.  We will collect the Stamp Duty from you before completion and it pay it on your behalf.



Acting for you in the purchase of your new home (freehold title)

£450,000 to over £2,000,000

£1350 -£3000

Acting on behalf of your mortgage company**


Leasehold Fee for sale or purchase 


Professional Indemnity Fee


Transfer of Funds, per item


Stamp Duty Land Tax Form Completion


Searches Administration


ID /AML Check per buyer


Verification of Proof of funds fee per buyer 


File Archive Fee


VAT is charged on all of these fees


**If your Mortgage provider is Paragon Mortgages, Metro Bank or The Mortgage Trust there will be an additional legal fee estimated to be around £100.00 + VAT due to the sheer number of conditions in their offers.

** Help to Buy Loan £450

** Help to Buy ISA £50


Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as Land Registry fees.

We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.



Stamp Duty Land Tax



Standard Search Pack

Local Authority, Water & Drainage, Homebuyers, Chancel Indemnity

Approx. £278.60

Land Registry Fee – these vary depending on purchase price and can be found at

To be confirmed – dependant on purchase price   £40 – £500

Lender Panel fee ** (f applicable)


Land Registry Title Official Search of whole with priority  Fee 


Bankruptcy Search Fee (per name)


** plus vat £7

Certain disbursements will be set out in the individual lease relating to the Property. The disbursements that we anticipate will apply are set out separately below. 

This list is not exhaustive, and other disbursements may apply depending on the term of the lease. We will update you on the specific fees upon receipt and review of the lease and freeholder/ management pack from the seller’s solicitors.  There may be an additional fee of £200 for dealing with any enquiries raised concerning the management pack.

Additional, Anticipated Disbursements

These fees vary from property to property and can, on occasion, be significantly higher than the ranges given above. We can give you an accurate figure once we have sight of your specific documents.




Notice of Transfer Fee 

This fee, if chargeable, is set out in the lease.

£100 to £200 plus VAT 

Notice of Charge Fee (if the property is to be mortgaged)

This fee is set out in the lease.

£100 to £200 plus VAT 

Deed of Covenant Fee 

This fee (when required) is payable to the management company on completion and can be difficult to estimate. 

£100 and £200 plus VAT

Certificate of Compliance Fee

To be confirmed upon receipt of the lease.

£75 to £200 plus VAT


You should also be aware that ground rent and service charges are likely to apply throughout your ownership of a leasehold  property. We will confirm the ground rent and the anticipated service charge as soon as we receive this information.

Stages of Martin Shepherd Solicitors Property Purchase Freehold and Leasehold Process

The precise stages involved in the purchase of a residential property vary according to the circumstances. Our team will:

Take your instructions and give you initial advice

  1. Check finances are in place to fund purchase and contact lender’s solicitors if needed
  2. Receive and advise on contract documents
  3. Request management pack (leasehold only)
  4. Raise enquiries on the management pack (leasehold only)
  5. Read and advise on the lease and raise enquiries (leasehold only)
  6. Carry out searches
  7. Obtain further planning documentation if required
  8. Make any necessary enquiries of seller’s solicitor
  9. Give you advice on all documents and information received
  10. Go through the conditions of the mortgage offer with you
  11. Personal attendance with you to go through the paperwork and sign the contract
  12. Agree on completion date (date from which you own the property)
  13. Exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened
  14. Arrange for all monies needed to be received from the lender and you
  15. Complete purchase
  16. Deal with payment of Stamp Duty/Land Tax
  17. Deal with application for registration at Land Registry
  18. Deal with post-completion Notices (leasehold only)

How long will my property purchase take?

The duration between the acceptance of your offer and the actual move-in date for your property depends on various factors. But the average process takes between 8 – 12 weeks

It can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain:

  • For first-time buyers, purchasing a freehold house with a mortgage in principle: 8 – 10 weeks.
  •  For buyers of a leasehold property with a Management Company: 12 – 16 weeks 

Learn more about Conveyancing at our Finchley, Potters Bar, Hertford offices.

Residential Conveyancing Fees– sale of Freehold and Leasehold (flats) Properties

The following fee information gives an indication of our fees for the sale of a freehold or leasehold residential property in in a simple uncomplicated transaction, including redeeming any mortgage secured against the property. 

Additional fees may apply for a number of reasons, for example, a Defect in Title that requires remedying prior to completion or the preparation of additional documents ancillary to the main transaction.

There may be an additional fee of £200 for dealing with any enquiries raised concerning the management pack.



Acting for you in the sale of your property depending on the sale price

£1225 -£3000

Acting on Behalf of Your Mortgage Company (per lender)


Leasehold fee


Professional Indemnity


Transfer of funds per item


ID/AML  Check per person * (Note: if you are instructing us on a purchase also, this fee is only paid once per person)


File Archive Fee


VAT is payable on these fees



*inclusive of VAT not needed if instructed twice


We handle the payment of the following disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process:

  • Land Registry Office Copy Entries, per title – £6.00
  • Management Pack (estimate) – £300.00 (plus VAT)

Stages of the Process

The precise stages involved in the sale of a residential freehold or leasehold property vary according to the circumstances.  We will:

  1. Take your instructions and give your initial advice
  2. Arrange for you to complete the protocol forms
  3. Obtain and investigate the title to the property and your right to sell the property
  4. Obtain a redemption statement from your mortgage lender
  5. Obtain replies to enquiries from any management company
  6. Prepare contract documents and send these to the buyer’s solicitor
  7. Respond to any necessary enquiries of the buyer’s solicitor
  8. Give you advice on all enquiries received
  9. Send final contract to you for signature
  10. Agree on the completion date (the date on which you sell the property)
  11. Exchange contracts and notify you that this has happened
  12. Calculate any apportionments to be collected
  13. Arrange for all monies required to be collected from the buyer’s solicitor
  14. Pay the estate agent, if any
  15. Redeem the mortgage, if any
  16. Account to you.

How long will my property sale take?

The average process takes between 6-12 weeks.

To discuss your specific conveyancing requirements, please contact us on 020 8367 3230 or or contact one of our conveyancers direct at  the Potters Bar, Finchley or Hertford office.

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