Quality Local Divorce Solicitor Service

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Martin Shepherd Solicitors The Number One Choice For Local Divorce Solicitors

Martin Shepherd Solicitors‘ goal is to provide you with a quality legal service tailored to your unique circumstances. We understand that divorce is a sensitive and emotional legal process, and our team is committed to making it as smooth as possible for you.

A couple signing divorce before speaking with a divorce solicitor

Experienced Professionals

When it comes to divorce proceedings, experience matters. Our divorce solicitors in Hertford, Potters Bar and Finchley bring years of experience to the table. They have successfully handled a wide range of divorce cases, from amicable separations to complex, high-conflict disputes.

Rest assured, your case will be in capable hands and you will receive expert legal advice.

Compassion and Support

Divorce can be emotionally draining, and we understand the importance of offering our clients not only legal expertise but also compassion and support throughout the process. Our solicitors are approachable and empathetic, always ready to listen to your concerns and provide the reassurance you need.

Tailored Solutions

No two divorces are the same.  Whether you require assistance with property division, financial settlement, child arrangements, your Will or any other aspect of your divorce, we are here to guide you through every step of the process.

Local Expertise

Martin Shepherd Solicitor’s take pride in our deep-rooted local expertise. Our experienced divorce solicitors are well-versed in the intricacies of family law, ensuring that you are kept fully informed about any changes to legislation that may impact your case. 

One such significant change is the implementation of the new Divorce Dissolution and Separation Act, which became effective on 6th April 2022. This groundbreaking legislation has transformed the landscape of divorce in the UK, offering a non-confrontational and straightforward approach to ending marriages and civil partnerships.

Three solicitors discussing legal services Potters Bar
Martin Shepherd Solicitors shaking hands with a client

What you should know about Divorce Dissolution and Separation Act

One of the most remarkable aspects of this new law is the elimination of the need for blame in divorce proceedings. Here is what you can look forward to:

  • No Mandatory Separation: The requirement for a period of separation before initiating divorce proceedings is no longer in place.
  • No Blame Required: You no longer have to attribute fault to the other party for the breakdown of your marriage.
  • Simplified Process: You can now obtain a divorce based solely on the grounds that the marriage has irretrievably broken down, with no need for further accusations – a truly ‘no-blame’ divorce.
  • Immediate Action: Importantly, there is no need to endure a waiting period before starting proceedings (though please note that you must wait for one year from the date of marriage before applying for a divorce). 


Time to sort out the finances and the children. After the application has been acknowledged there is a 20 week period before applying for the next stage which gives time to agreet the financial settlement and the arrangements for the children.

We Are Your Local Divorce Solicitor

Our team of divorce solicitors in Finchley, Potters Bar, and Hertford will be by your side every step of the way, working tirelessly to protect your interests and help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a smoother, more secure future. Your quality local divorce solicitor service is just a phone call away. Contact Antoinette Doyle at acd@martinshepherd.co.uk or Maria Scott at mscott@martinshepherd.co.uk or call 020 8367 3230.

Martin Shepherd Solicitors LLP is distinguished by its commitment to providing tailored legal services with a focus on understanding the unique circumstances of each client. Our experienced team of divorce solicitors in Hertford, Potters Bar, and Finchley brings a wealth of expertise to ensure your case is handled with care and professionalism.

Our divorce solicitors bring years of experience to the table, having successfully managed a wide range of divorce cases, from straightforward separations to complex disputes. Rest assured, your case will be managed by skilled professionals who understand the nuances of family law and strive for the best possible outcome.

At Martin Shepherd Solicitors LLP, we understand that divorce can be emotionally challenging. Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate support and guidance throughout the process, ensuring you feel heard and understood every step of the way.

We recognise that every divorce is unique, which is why we offer tailored solutions to address your specific needs. Whether you require assistance with property division, financial settlements, child arrangements, or other aspects of your divorce, our team is here to provide expert advice and guidance.

Our solicitors are well-versed in the intricacies of family law, including the recent changes introduced by the Divorce Dissolution and Separation Act. We ensure our clients are fully informed about the implications of this legislation and how it may affect their divorce proceedings.

The new law eliminates the need for blame in divorce proceedings, allowing couples to obtain a divorce based solely on the grounds that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. This streamlined process aims to reduce conflict and provide a more amicable approach to ending marriages.

To begin the process of securing your future with the assistance of our experienced team, simply contact us to schedule a consultation. Whether you’re based in Finchley, Potters Bar, or Hertford, our local divorce solicitors are ready to provide the support and guidance you need.

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